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Flourish Australia at TheMHS 2019
The Mental Health Services (TheMHS) Annual Conference is Australasia’s leading and most diverse mental health conference, which attracts approximately 1,000 delegates of a diverse range of…
Twelve people of all ages and backgrounds have…
Turning a page for mental health in Wollongong
A unique public event involving insightful and highly personal storytelling is set to lift mental health awareness to new levels in the Illawarra.Twelve people of all ages and backgrounds have…
Brendan, now 40, was frequently in distress and often in hospital. Judi’s life became a constant pattern of…
Mental health "lived experience" is key
For 20 years, Judi struggled to support her adult son through crisis after crisis.Brendan, now 40, was frequently in distress and often in hospital. Judi’s life became a constant pattern of…
Worm farm 'Flourishing' on inner city balcony garden
For more than 60 years, Flourish Australia have served Australian communities by providing practical support for people with lived experience of a mental health issue, as well as their families and…
How a living library of insightful and highly personal storytelling is planned this Friday to raise mental health awareness
A unique public event involving insightful and highly personal storytelling is planned at Flourish Australia, Station St, Wollongong on Friday from 3 to 6pm to help lift mental health awareness.…
Connections and Communications prove the Way Ahead at the NSW Mental Health Matters Awards
Flourish Australia’s Transgender Transitioning Policy received a commendation at the 2019 annual Wayahead Mental Health Matters Awards held at the Shangri-La Grand Ballroom, Sydney, on 27 September.…
Your Invitation to join us for breakfast, as Lucinda shares her own experiences and insights
Mental health is everybody’s business and Flourish Australia invites you and your organisation to…
Talking Mental Health with Lucinda Brogden AM
Your Invitation to join us for breakfast, as Lucinda shares her own experiences and insights
Mental health is everybody’s business and Flourish Australia invites you and your organisation to…
The Inaugural Flourishing Awards 2019
Flourish Australia, a mental health service provider for psychosocial disability, held its inaugural Flourishing Awards to recognise employees and teams who exemplify the organisation’s values and…
Flourish Australia - COVID-19
The COVID-19 situation continues to rapidly evolve. Flourish Australia is committed to ensuring the safety of people accessing our services, their families and carers, and our staff.Containing…
Getting back on the board
New waterless car wash means jobs for locals with lived experience
Flourish Australia have opened a Waterless Car Wash in Tamworth to save precious water and provide employment opportunities for locals with lived experience of mental health issues. …