Supporting their recovery journey
A caring support network is so important to the recovery journey
We know the value of the support you bring to the recovery journey of someone close to you, as their family or carer, and we care about your wellbeing too.
We get that it can be difficult to understand what they are going through or how you can help, so we make it our business to provide you with information, include you in what we do and listen when you have concerns. We come alongside you, as someone else who cares. We make sure that you are taking care of your own needs and accessing support that will empower you to confidently fulfil your role in the recovery process.
Practical care for carers
Flourish Australia is committed to working closely with families and carers in their important role of supporting people close to them with a lived experience of a mental health issue.
Using a family inclusive approach, we work directly and in partnership with specialist organisations to provide support and education services for families and carers.
Flourish Australia’s family inclusive approach will enhance relationships between individuals and their families and carers, while providing an opportunity for the voice of families and carers to be heard, and influence, the operation and development of Flourish Australia’s services. Flourish Australia’s Family and Carer Strategy outlines four important areas of work:
1. Workforce and resource development
2. Communication with families and carers
3. Partnership development
4. Review and monitor strategy
Our inclusive approach is based on the six partnership standards set out in A Practical Guide For Working With Carers Of People With A Mental Illness. Working together with you improves outcomes for your loved-one, reduces stress for you and supports family members and their relationships to thrive.
If you would like to join carers forum, click here.
You can access information about mental health family and carer education and supports through the Mental Health Carer Helpline on 1300 554 660 or the relevant State specialist Mental Health Carer Organisation:
NSW - Mental Health Carers NSW
Queensland - Mental Health Carers Arafmi Queensland
Tasmania - Mental Health Families and Friends Tasmania
Victoria - Tandem
Western Australia - Helping Minds
For information about other mental health family and carer support organisations in NSW, click here.
The Carer Gateway also has useful information and resources, click here.
For more information, contact us on 1300 779 270 or make an enquiry now.