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Flourish Foundation Australia

800,000+ Australians live with a complex mental health issue

The Flourish Foundation elevates the conversation and innovates solutions, connecting people with the support they need, when they need it.

We work for a world where each person’s dignity is respected - where trust is built, hope is restored, and people can lead fully engaged lives.

Be part of this transformation

Donate today

Flourish Foundation Australia Animation

Mental ill-health impacts every Australian


Life expectancy

is reduced by up to 25 years for people with complex mental health conditions

1 in 5 people

1 in 5 Australians

experience mental illness each year


1 in 8 people

with complex mental health conditions have experienced homelessness in the past


65% of people

with complex mental health conditions don’t finish high school


97% of people

with complex mental health conditions experience stigma or discrimination


Mental ill health and suicide

costs the Australian economy $180 billion each year

Our projects are a key part of the solution

Support Mothers to support whole families

For every mother that Flourish Australia has helped, six families have missed out. But with sufficient funding, we can say yes to seven out of seven women who need our support.

Your donation will be used to:

  • Place families together in community housing
  • Support Mum to get her work and life on track
  • Provide ongoing financial support to families

Read Donna's Story and Donate today

A women holding a child

Support First Nations people

First Nations communities face ongoing struggles to meet their social and emotional needs. The role of country, culture, family and community is essential to getting people the right support to heal. This work take an investment of time to build relationships and trust.

Your donation will be used to:

Create culturally responsive healing programs, in partnership with First Nations Elders and community leaders

Read Naricah's Story and Donate today

A woman smiling

Support physical health and wellbeing

People with mental health issues die 25 years earlier than their peers. We need to change that, and with adequate resources, we can.

Your donation will be used to:

  • Integrate evidence-based programs into mental health services
  • Provide access to exercise physiologists and dietitians
  • Make physical health services accessible, no matter where people live

Read Michael's Story and Donate today


A history of flourishing

Our founders, family members and communities started with a vision:

To get people living with complex mental health issues out of institutions and into the world, and to make sure that world is one in which everyone’s mental health and well-being can flourish.

Decades later, the work of our Foundation continues this vision.

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