It’s hard to believe it is already December and we are on the cusp of the New Year. End of year celebrations are occurring, and people are starting to think about their New Year’s Resolutions.
Much has been achieved this year, perhaps even some of those New Year’s Resolutions. As I reflect on these achievements, I am constantly reminded of how many are achieved because of the people around us. Those that support us and cheer us on; who encourage us when things are not going to plan.
This month’s Flourishing News highlights how important that is for the Mums and their young children at our Women and Children’s Program. It was heartwarming to see the Governor-General, Her Excellency the Honourable Ms Sam Mostyn AC KC, chatting with Mum’s and learning directly about their experiences of life’s challenges, of their achievements, and their own recovery stories when she visited recently. This month there’s even an opportunity for you to directly support the work of this program.
As we head towards the end of the year, I want to thank each of you for being part of Flourish Australia’s extended family and being people that support the Flourish Australia team and our work. We know that what we do supporting people with lived experience is a team effort, with that team extending beyond paid staff and our physical sites, to working with other services, health care professionals, funders, donors and supporters, like you. Thank you for being part of the journey with us.
As the Flourish Australia Social Citizenship Framework reminds us, mental health recovery whilst an individual journey, is done in local communities, by people accessing the many resources available there. Thank you for being part of creating and sustaining those communities, and helping create those opportunities. They do not just happen; they appear through an intentional creation of safe spaces that welcome everyone, and celebrate the rich diversity of our shared humanity.
On behalf of everyone here at Flourish Australia as we mark the end of 2024, with it’s high points and low points, it’s times of happiness and sadness, and move towards 1 January, may I wish you all much love, peace and happiness, now and throughout 2025.
Mark Orr AM
Chief Executive