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Have your say on Australia’s draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy

Tragically, nearly nine people die by suicide in Australia each day, and more than 3000 lives are lost to suicide every year.

In an effort to address these figures, the Australian Government has released a draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy and is calling for feedback from the public. 

The draft strategy outlines a coordinated and holistic approach to preventing suicide and ensuring every Australian has access to appropriate supports. 

Contributors included the National Suicide Prevention Office advisory board, members of the Lived Experience Partnership Group, a jurisdictional forum and working groups, as well as Australian and international academics, service providers, people with lived and living experience and members of the public.

Mark Orr says, “Suicide has a devastating impact on thousands of Australians every year, with each loss affecting families, friends and entire communities. 

“The draft National Suicide Prevention Strategy is an important step forward in addressing this ongoing tragedy. By drawing on the voices of those with lived experience and the expertise of mental health professionals, we can help save lives and ensure no one falls through the cracks when seeking support. 

“I encourage everyone to contribute their feedback to help shape this important strategy.”

Minister for Health and Aged Care Mark Butler also encourages Australians to provide feedback on the draft. 

“A national strategy, developed by experts and informed by the lived experience of people touched by suicide, will help us make inroads and reduce the profound impact suicide has on families and communities,” he says. 

The consultation draft of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy is open for comment until 27 October. Feedback can be provided as an individual, organisation or as a collective in the following ways:

●      Read the consultation draft 

●      Complete the public consultation survey.

●      Email to the NSPO at

●      Mail to the National Suicide Prevention Office: PO Box R1463, Royal Exchange, NSW 1225.

In parallel with this consultation the Australian Government is supporting Gayaa Dhuwi to develop a First Nations suicide prevention strategy. The suicide rate of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people is more than double that of the broader community and the government is committed to taking focused actions to address this.

What to do if you need help

If you or someone you care for needs support with their mental health or the NDIS, talk to us today on 1300 779 270 and one of our friendly staff will connect you with the right people and services for your needs. No referral necessary.

Flourish Australia is committed to preventing suicide and Applied Suicide Intervention Training (ASIST) is available to all staff.

Talk to us today

For more information, contact us on 1300 779 270 or make an enquiry now.

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