When I walked in off the street to Flourish Australia I was warmly welcomed and felt I’d been wrapped in a cocoon after battling on alone for years.
I’ve always been self reliant. Feeling supported by life affirming people at Flourish Australia is a new experience for me. I feel renewed by the kind words and understanding of the peer workers when they talk about their lived experience.
My marriage broke down after my son was born with a disability and my husband’s mental health suffered following unexpected deaths in our family. I was studying teaching but put this on hold because I cried everyday for months.
Medication was helpful for a time. Then I discovered my husband was gambling. The stress affected my mental and physical wellbeing. Instead of seeking support we just got on with life and the issues went underground.
I never imagined we’d separate. When it happened it was traumatic. I experienced a mental fog, not knowing what to do. When I stumbled on Flourish Australia I was invited to try art and painted a cocoon because I felt I’d come into a safe place and became hopeful.
So much of what I know about early childhood learning applies to mental health recovery - like valuing each individual and encouraging them in their unique way of growing. Recognising this was an important shift for me. I wanted to get back to teaching. I’m now achieve high distinctions at TAFE and feel I’m reclaiming a part of myself.
In just 12 months my life has turned around completely. My self esteem and confidence keep growing. I’ve developed new life skills, worry less, communicate better with my husband and have learned ways to support my son. I feel everyone is on my side and everything is going my way.
I’ve never let go of the love of art I discovered that first day. My dream now is to paint my life journey.
Talk to us today
Our approach to supporting you is different because over half of the people we employ have had their own lived experience of a mental health issue and many of them make up our peer workforce. They get it, because they have been there, so they're able to come alongside you with genuine understanding and insight.
For more information, contact us on 1300 779 270 or make an enquiry now.