Who I was had largely been defined by my academic success. Letting go of study to become a Mental Health Educator has been freeing for me. It’s given me a richer sense of self.
I had been dux of my school, held a degree in Classics and was on my way to a brilliant career in academia when at the age of 21 my lived experience disrupted my life completely. My reputation as a high achiever became a source of anxiety and I began to avoid public situations altogether. In my 40’s, I attained a University Medal for Language Studies but my aspirations of becoming a translator fell by the wayside.
Finding Flourish Australia led me to a new path in educational work and advocacy for the mental health sector. As we worked together to put my NDIS plan in place, they recognised that I was uniquely articulate and approached me to become a consumer advocate for the NDIS. I’ve since taken on coordination of their Hearing Voices Group, where I use my experience purposefully, to encourage others. I volunteer with advisory councils for the state-wide Learning Network and I’m secretary of a support group at One Door. The consistency of these commitments keeps me from worrying unnecessarily about things.
I’ve learned the importance of work-life balance to my mental wellbeing so I find time to relax and I’m more compassionate with myself. Nurturing others who are dealing with mental health challenges and being a supportive friend is important to my sense of who I am now. I believe my healing is intrinsically linked to getting involved in the healing of others.
I feel confident now in ways I would never have imagined possible. Attaining practical wisdom has brought a more meaningful dimension to my life.
Talk to us today
Our approach to supporting you is different because more than 50% of the people we employ have had their own lived experience of mental health challenges and many of them make up our peer workforce. They get it, because they have been there, so they're able to come alongside you with genuine understanding and insight.
For more information, contact us on 1300 779 270 or make an enquiry now.