I was homeless and living in a refuge with my daughter, Sophie, when DOCS got involved and encouraged me to go to rehab. Unwilling to be separated from her, I’m so grateful to have had the option of taking part in Flourish Australia’s Women and Children’s program where I could keep our family together throughout my recovery.
We were so supported, staying onsite in secure accommodation while I completed a four month parenting program before moving into a transition home of our own in the community. After about nine months with the program now, I have another ten months to go.
The wonderful Flourish Australia team are always available whenever I need to talk. Their inspiring words keep me motivated and positive and I’m always given plenty of choice. Connecting with other mums in the program and hearing their stories has been healing for me. We each have our own unique situation but understand one another and have built really solid friendships.
Seeing our kids thrive and grow together is just amazing. I love holding the babies who are passed around among the mums a lot. Sophie is doing so well and loves all the attention she gets.
We’re two and a half hours away from my mum and family so it means a lot to us to have a support network around us in the other mums and Flourish Australia staff. My goal is to transfer closer to home so I can be near my other kids who are being cared for by their Dad and his wife.
My best mate got me a car which will make life so much easier. I’m in the process of getting my license back so I can work towards 50/50 custody. Once I’m driving I can put Sophie into daycare and free myself up for a TAFE course in a field like drug and alcohol counselling or support work.
I’d love to work for Flourish Australia and use what I’ve learned to help others, once I head back home. I’m proud to have overcome hardships despite being diagnosed with depression, OCD, borderline personality disorder and CPTSD, and want to encourage others on their recovery journey. I’ve even experienced drug induced psychosis but with the right support, I’m still here to tell the story!
Just having someone empathetic to talk to helps my mental wellbeing, as does cleaning and creativity. I really get into the weaving group which helps me to stay focused entirely on what I’m doing in the moment.
Thanks to this program, I’m finally at the point in my life where drugs are a thing of my past and committed to . staying clean because I know it’s a slippery slope and never want to go back there. I’ve cut ties with people who brought me down and don’t really care about me.
I want mums out there who are struggling, to get past their fear of reaching out for help. Find the courage to be honest and know that there are people who will help you no matter what your situation.
I still find life hard at times but keep looking forward to the special times I know I’ll have with my kids now as they grow up. Becoming a happier, better person for my children and myself is what gets me out of bed each morning and keeps me going when the going’s tough.
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