Being part of Flourish Australia’s Youth Programs brought me out of confusion and overwhelm to thrive on pushing beyond my comfort zones.
When I was living at home I would shut myself away in my room and rarely leave the house. My lived experience of mental health issues left me feeling I wasn’t up to studying to complete my HSC but once I was referred to the YCLSS Program in Penrith I began to feel a lot more supported and hopeful.
Flourish Australia took a different approach to my support. They would encourage me to get involved with social activities, in what was a very peaceful and welcoming environment. Simple things like preparing food and hanging out with others got me thinking differently and feeling better about myself.
With the support of my peer worker I was able to manage my medication better so I soon felt up to going out and connecting with people, more often. Things improved so much for me that I moved on to the Young People’s Outreach Program (YPOP) which offered someone to check in with me each day. They’ve supported me to become much more self aware and less confused about things and although I still have my ups and downs, I know there is always someone there for me to talk to about it.
The program has really helped me to develop new skills, set goals and get on with my life. Because there are so many opportunities to try new things, I’ve discovered that I love stepping out of my comfort zone. That’s when I feel I’m flourishing! My goal now is to get a career going in IT so I’m studying that at TAFE and I’m exploring possibilities for pursuing my interest in drama.
Flourish Australia see my strengths and encourage me to appreciate myself and what I’ve been able to achieve. Just by spending time with such a positive group of people, I’ve changed in a good way. My attitudes have shifted, my confidence has grown and I’m living more independently.
Talk to us today
Our approach to supporting you is different because more than 50% of the people we employ have had their own lived experience of mental health challenges and many of them make up our peer workforce. They get it, because they have been there, so they're able to come alongside you with genuine understanding and insight.
For more information, contact us on 1300 779 270 or make an enquiry now.