I’ve got what they call a GSOH— a ‘good sense of humour’—and I’m fortunate to have a good job as well. These are two valuable qualities, but I started out with a few disadvantages. To get where I am today, I needed some support from organisations like Flourish Australia.
My brother and I both live with Foetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). This syndrome has presented unique challenges, influencing many aspects of our lives. While my birth mother has unfortunately passed away, I do have a stepmother.
One of my challenges is ‘slow learning.’ I also suffer from severe arthritis and need to be careful about my heart health. Many years ago, I faced significant challenges that led to hospitalization in a psychiatric unit. In 2013, I even tried to take my own life and had to be resuscitated.
After being referred to Flourish Australia’s Broken Hill service, I found crucial support. I really value the companionship and assistance of my Peer Worker, Cathy. She helps me get out of the house; we often go for a drive, enjoy coffee and cake together, or visit the pool, which I find uplifting and beneficial for my well-being.
I rent my own house and get up at 4:30am every morning. I start my day by feeding the birds, watering the plants, and feeding my three animals—two cats and a Maltese terrier.
You wouldn’t believe how old my dog is. Her name is Molly, and she’s 23 years old—that’s 161 human years! And there’s more! Tinkerbell the cat is 11 years old, and Gizmo the cat is 12 years old!
I’m like an aged care worker for some very senior animals, though that’s not what I do for a living.
I work at a laundry in Broken Hill, three days a week, starting early, of course. I handle every kind of task in the laundry—counting, folding, washing, packing, and delivering. When the supervisor is absent, I automatically become the Laundry Assistant Manager, overseeing operations across the whole floor.
I also handle various safety precautions with laundry chemicals, including wearing PPE when replenishing certain chemicals. I’m responsible for accounting for these chemicals and recording them in a register. I’ve completed a comprehensive six-month training course, which earned me a certificate.
A recent disappointment for me was that I really wanted to get a driver’s license, but my arthritis sometimes causes my joints to lock up, making driving dangerous. Instead, I’ve decided to get a mobility scooter or ‘gopher.’ They’re not cheap, so I’ve been working through the application process for one over the past four years.
I’m grateful to people like Cathy and Pat at Flourish Australia for supporting me in achieving my goals.
I’m hopeful and determined to own my own home one day instead of renting indefinitely. Despite having saved up a deposit before, I faced challenges securing a loan from the bank due to being on a disability support pension. I’ll keep trying because you can’t keep a good man down!
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