My advice to anyone on their mental health recovery journey is to take things at your own pace. Consistently taking small steps toward improvement, one after another, is enough.
Growing up, I experienced suicidal tendencies and it was life changing for me to feel heard, understood and unconditionally supported by my Support Worker at Flourish Australia in Parkes. I was still in high school at the time and they supported me in more practical ways than I can count, from helping to keep me motivated to complete my Year 12 studies, to connecting me with opportunities to socialise which is what I needed to come out of my shell and grow more confident.
With their encouragement, I learned that celebrating the little victories each day, even if it’s as simple as getting out of bed or cleaning my room, can go a long way to feeling positive that I’ve accomplished something.
There’ve been days my recovery journey has felt like pushing a boulder up hill but I don’t give up!
I just take the next step and stay at it.
I also access the support of my local community health service and a Psychologist through my NDIS funding which Flourish Australia assisted me to apply for, and it’s helpful to be surrounded by supportive co-workers in a positive workplace where I feel free to be myself.
For 4 years, I’ve worked part time at the library of the primary school I attended and it’s rewarding to feel I’m making a positive impact in the lives of these little people who speak so well of me to their parents. I enjoy passing on the creative skills I’ve developed through an art group at Flourish Australia.
There are many goals I plan to accomplish, one step at a time, taking my time to get things right rather than rushing.
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