I’ve loved every minute of being a stay-at-home mum for the past 13 years and my family have been the heart of my mental health recovery support network since my stay at Bloomfield Hospital back in 2015, encouraging me to do all the things I know I need to do for my wellbeing.
Before becoming a mum, I was a childcare worker with local childhood centres and went on to study a Bachelor’s of Early Childhood Education at Charles Sturt University. When I met my husband, three years into my four year degree, it was clear to me that my future was with him and I happily left my studies to start a family together.
Following a diagnosis of Bipolar Disorder, I’ve actively managed my recovery and wellness in a number of ways.
I meditate daily, my husband checks-in with me to make sure I’m doing ok, and my boys remind me to take my medication. Along with my whole family playing a part, I see a Peer Worker from Flourish Australia’s Bathurst service for an hour each week.
My local area coordinator for NDIS Social Futures connected us 12 months ago when I requested a one-on-one service tailored to my needs. It’s wonderful to debrief with my Peer Worker each week and know that their insightful support is at hand when I’m not feeling on top of things. I also see my psychologist every month and visit my GP every six weeks. I highly recommend that anyone on a mental health recovery journey find a GP they can talk openly with about their mental health.
In my experience, who you have on your support team can make all the difference and having all of this in place has helped me to stay well for eight years now.
I’m sure to find time for things that keep me feeling empowered, like reading to gain knowledge, because I believe knowledge is power. Colouring-in is such a source of joy, enjoyed with my boys, and Diamond Dot painting is something I find very relaxing, watching a beautiful scene take shape as I stick colourful dots to a canvas. I also listen to music every day and watch the occasional movie.
My boys are now 13 and 11 and are quickly becoming very self-sufficient but there are still some motherly things for me to do and I just love having them around. Being a mum has shaped who I am and inspires me to be the best person I can be, so I’ve returned to TAFE to develop new skills for returning to the workforce.
Currently, I’m studying a Certificate III in Accounts Administration with a view to become a payroll clerk. My Peer Worker encourages me to stay on track with my studies and I’m thrilled to have just passed my first subject.
Eight years into my recovery and counting, I’m feeling pretty positive about my future and grateful for the support network I have around me.
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