They say if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.
Sitting around the house can really drag out some days but doing something constructive can inject your afternoon with meaning and a sense of accomplishment; like investing some time in thinking about your career and where you’d ideally like to take it.
What do you enjoy doing, and what are you good at?
What skills have you gained from previous employment? These may be specific, such as operating an industrial shrink-wrapping machine, or broad, like working as a part of a team. Is there a course you’d like to study, a job you’d like to have or a skill you’d like to learn?
Now is a good time to get clear on your dream job and set your mind to going after it.
While the current quarantine conditions are an extreme example, they have shown that professions classed as "essential", may offer more security than others. These include:
- Supermarkets - The major chains have increased their employee pool by tens of thousands in response to unprecedented consumer demand.
- Drivers - Truckers and taxi drivers are still rolling out as usual and accommodating increased food deliveries from restaurants.
- Cleaners - Sanitising and frequent cleaning has become more important than ever.
- Public Transport - Buses, trains, ferries and trams will keep on running.
- Flourish Australia - Peer Workers, Mental Health Workers and other staff are out there every day providing support.
- Office jobs - Even when it’s not possible to physically attend an office environment, roles such as Human Resources, Finance, Data Entry, IT, Clerical Work and Administration may be as safe as castles.
Key Considerations
Can the work I’d like to do be done remotely?
Some jobs can be done from home, others cannot. For example, Flourish Australia have provided employees who are able to work remotely with the equipment they need to perform their jobs from home. The quality of modern video conferencing software means a physical presence is rarely 100% necessary in many work situations.
Will my dream job be future proof?
Some jobs are more likely than others to one day be replaced by automation or become obsolete; as has been the case for video stores and penny farthing repair shops. Before undertaking studies, it’s a good idea to think about what the industry you are training for may look like in five years, ten years or even thirty years.
Is it worthwhile broadening my scope?
Say you want to be a cleaner. Great. Consider the different kinds of cleaning you might specialise in - residential, commercial, industrial, windows, carpet, pools, or if you’ve got a strong stomach, perhaps forensic cleaning.
How can Flourish Australia support you with your study or career goals? Talk to us about ways we can nurture your career pursuits.
By Grant J Everett, Panorama magazine
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