Encouraging all men, everywhere, to care for their body and mind, the theme of Men’s Health Week 2020 is Men & Families Working Together.
Men's Health Week, from 15-21 June 2020, focusses on the health needs of every male on the planet. It’s a time to bring positive awareness to the illnesses and injuries that disproportionately affect men and encourage them to actively maintain their physical and mental wellbeing. It’s an opportunity to affirm what it means to enjoy good health and provoke thought and discussion around what needs to be done to support men to live longer and happier lives; through promotions, events and publicity.
Men’s Health Week also celebrates the contributions men make, their strengths and the important role they play in society. Anyone who lives, works or plays alongside males can do their bit to help.
According to the Men’s Health Week website, the status of men’s health in most countries, including Australia, is generally poorer than that of females. Statistically, more males than females die at every life stage. Overall, men suffer more accidents than women of a comparable age, take their own lives in higher numbers and experience more lifestyle-related health conditions. They are also less likely to consult their GPs, or attend to their own health needs, than women.
This year Men’s Health Week runs from the 15th of June to the 21st of June in Australia. In 2019 the Mean’s Health Week theme was Diabetes in Men. This year, the theme is Men & Families Working Together. Campaign posters include tags such as “Staying Together Apart”, “Communities Together”, “Cultures Together”, “Genders Together” and “Preventing Suicide Together”. Due to the current pandemic, it’s unclear whether Men’s Health Week activations will roll out as originally planned or will be delivered via social and digital media. Either way, there will be plenty happening during those seven days, with strict social distancing measures in place.
Men's Health Week was started by the United States Congress in 1994 to heighten awareness of preventable Men’s health problems and encourage the early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. Australia has participated since 2000 and each year, Men’s Health Week grows larger. Whether you’re a guy or a girl, you can spread the word! The hope is that as the event becomes more well known, the more acceptable it will seem for men to feel comfortable talking about their health issues, rather than pushing them aside. Men’s Health Week also provides a platform for challenging and debating relevant topics, such as the way health services are delivered.
The Men's Health Week website provides details of all up-coming events as well as tools for running your own celebrations and contact details for further information.
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