People tend to seek certainty but too much can make for a very dull existence.
When it comes to spectator sports, for example, uncertainty can be a very positive experience. Imagine an Australia-New Zealand netball match that starts off at 30 goals. Not being certain who is going to win adds to the excitement of the game. It gets even better when the score is 37 all with just one minute to go! Such close competition in any sport is what we enjoy the most; two equally brilliant teams, going point for point, until the whistle blows.
In these situations, even the disappointment of losing can motivate you to want to go back and have another go. Say a netball player is injured and has to miss a season because of a knee reconstruction. They can still be charged up to take part. Their leg may be in a cast but they can contribute what they can to the team by showing very vocal moral support from the sidelines. They might practice moves in their mind and keep themselves as fit as they can while looking forward to starting rehabilitation.
While there’s no guarantee that they’ll be fit to play next season, instead of allowing thoughts of that possibility trouble them, they remain focused on the game they love.
Decide to do what you can do now!
This is a healthy response to uncertainty.
Right now, it’s like everyone has been sidelined as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown.
In circumstances like these, it is counter productive to focus on the uncertainty of the situation. If you frequently check news reports, only to hear the same, sensationalised stories over and over again, you are not doing yourself any favours!
If we compare this situation to the example of the injured athlete, dwelling on losing your place in the team is not going to fix your injury. Refocusing on taking steps to maintain your place in the team, like staying fit and undertaking rehabilitation, will be more constructive.
Though the outcome of some life situations may be uncertain, that’s fine, because too much certainty can be as boring as a game with a 70-10 score line!
By Warren Heggarty, Panorama Magazine
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