A very famous leader once said; “Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It’s not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; It’s a day you’ve had everything to do and you’ve done it.”
Do you know that feeling you get from a job well done? The satisfaction that you have actually accomplished what you set out to do, no matter how humble it may be.
Have you also noticed that while you are experiencing these feelings of accomplishment, negative feelings, such as doom, dread, worry and worthlessness, have a harder time getting your attention?
There is a way you can hold onto those uplifting feelings while keeping unhelpful thoughts under control. It starts with recognising the almost limitless supply of untapped achievement, right under your nose, in your own home, right now! It’s called HOUSEWORK and simply by doing it, you can gain a rewarding sense of achievement.
Do I hear you protest? "But housework is never-ending. It just goes on and on and on…" It may appear futile to you, because every time you finish one task, another appears; or as my mother used to say "a woman’s work is never done."
There is wisdom in mother’s words. Far from being pointless drudgery, the never-ending cyclical nature of housework is actually the very rock upon which success can be built.
Doing housework leads naturally to two things that underpin success in life – ROUTINE and DISCIPLINE.
Motivation alone is not enough. It is possible to feel highly motivated to do some grand deed without having the slightest intention of following through and actually doing it. People who get things done demonstrate the discipline to develop a routine and stick to it! Together, discipline and routine are an unshakable foundation upon which to set your goals.
This article opened with a quote from a former British PM who remained in office longer than anyone else, since the 1700’s. Can you guess who it was?
Another great quote, from that same person, which may inspire you to exercise discipline and routine, is “Plan your work for today and every day then work your plan.”
By Warren Heggarty of Panorama Magazine
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