Picture: Cooking with leeks: For all you know the things you never try might be the solution you’ve been looking for!
At the local supermarket they have no toilet paper, no tissues and no just about everything else. But they do have an abundance of trimmed Leeks!
Now what if you had never used leeks before? Would you turn your nose up, or would you take this opportunity to expand your cooking repertoire?
How do you know that the things you generally avoid might actually be exactly what you are looking for? Leeks, aubergines, squash, lychees, pickled turnips, rhubarb, radish, un-pickled turnips… things that are easy to get but which for many of us are a little out of the ordinary.
To use leeks as an example, let’s say you and that special someone both love the flavour of onions but find the smell of onions all through the flat a bit unromantic. With social distancing in force, you have time now to experiment and find a solution to this problem.
By the time restrictions are off and you are able to invite them over to impress with your cooking, you will have had opportunity to experiment with leeks. For instance, you will have discovered that leeks are members of the onion family, with a similar but milder flavour and less nasty smell. Perfect!
You will also have discovered that the lighter coloured, less appetising looking parts of the plant are actually the best to use! You have progressed from the smelly onion to the elegant leek.
"I like using leeks in a quiche," says one foodie we know. "… that’s about all I buy them for, but I’m sure you could use them in any recipe that calls for white onion, brown onions, spring onions, etc…which is just about EVERY recipe ever, come to think of it… and my wife likes to use leeks in vichyssoise (potato and leek soup.”
This is just one ingredient. Your local supermarket, even now, is full of things you haven’t tried before. With the internet you can find information and easily (like which part of the leek do you use and how do you prepare it). Repeat this process with a new ingredient every day and when the restrictions are lifted we will all want to be coming round your place for dinner!
By Warren Heggarty from Panorama Magazine
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