Gratitude, according to headspace’s blog, ‘means recognising the things that others have done for you, as well as what you have, rather than focusing on what you don’t.’ Sometimes this is easier said than done, but if you try to adopt an attitude of gratitude it can improve your mental and physical health.
‘Showing gratitude can help your wellbeing in a number of ways,’ says the blog. Here are ten ways gratitude can help you:
- helping to build new relationships
- boosting existing relationships
- helping you forgive yourself
- helping you to forgive others
- reducing anger
- increasing empathy
- helping you sleep better
- giving you energy
- boosting your self-esteem
- appreciating what you have
Because gratitude can be such an important part of recovery from mental health issues, we think it is vital that an ‘attitude of gratitude’ is nurtured among our staff- especially the mental health workers and peer workers who are dealing directly with the people who access our services.
One of the ways in which Flourish Australia displays an attitude of gratitude is through the Flourishing Awards (which you can read about in the forthcoming November Panorama) and also through the Flourish Gratitude initiative. Flourish Gratitude is a way our staff can promote a positive and inclusive workplace by the simple act of recognising and appreciating each other.
One of the ‘three vital behaviours’ or good work habits which Flourish Australia staff are encouraged to undertake is ‘reflective practice.’ This includes noting things for which we can be grateful, recognising what we and our peers are doing well and celebrating ‘small wins.’
‘Gratitude in the workplace is evidence based,’ says Flourish Australia’s Manager, Development Projects Alison Perizi. ‘There are many studies that highlight the benefits to staff wellbeing and workplace culture from authentic recognition and appreciation in the workplace in particular peer-to-peer recognition which can be a powerful motivator.’
Staff have a special Flourish Gratitude Group on Teams where they can express gratitude and praise colleagues. The additional challenges brought by COVID-19, especially in our Melbourne operations, make it even more important that we create -as Alison dubbed it- an ‘avalanche of appreciation.’
By Warren Heggarty from Panorama Magazine