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National Action Plan for the Health and Wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ People

The National Action Plan for the Health and Wellbeing of LGBTIQA+ People was published in December 2024. Its vision is that LGBTIQA+ people achieve equitable health and wellbeing outcomes with access to safe, respectful, high-quality and inclusive health and wellbeing services. 

This vision is underpinned by five guiding principles:

●      Achieving health equity for LGBTIQA+ people that acknowledges and respects their diversity.

●      Embedding preventive health and wellbeing across the life course.

●      Ensure supportive, safe, appropriate, and autonomous care.

●      Access to health services that support high-quality care and self-determination in decision making.

●      Evidence-based continuous improvement should be in constant focus.

Research has found LGBTIQA+ people experience significant health disparities in comparison to the wider community. One in three LGBTIQA+ people rate their health as poor or fair and three in four have experienced a mental health condition.

To address these disparities, the Action Plan sets out an ambitious plan to improve the care and support LGBTIQA+ people receive and deliver better physical and mental health outcomes across the community.

The Action Plan is the result of the largest national consultation into LGBTIQA+ wellbeing ever undertaken by any Australian government. Guided by an expert advisory group, and chaired by Assistant Minister Ged Kearney, the Action Plan was co-designed with community members, health care providers and key LGBTIQA+ community organisations.

Our commitment to diversity

Flourish Australia is committed to supporting the LGBTIQA+ community. We are a proud member of ACON's Welcome Here Project, and a member of Pride in Health and Wellbeing, part of the ACON Pride in Inclusion programs, that helps service providers in health and human services to develop and deliver culturally appropriate and safe services to people from the LGBTIQA+ community.

We welcome the federal government’s commitment to LGBTIQA+ community through the latest action plan. 

To find out more about our commitment to diversity head to

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