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A message from our CEO - September 2024

The arrival of Spring is always a time to be thinking about awakening from the cold of Winter, and getting back out outside. It also a time to think about renewal.  My big focus on renewal of late has been clearing out the mountains of paper I store, just in case I need something down the track – which I seldom do. This year, I have cleared out things I have kept for close to forty years!

Finding these papers and looking at them once more, has brought back many memories. So good, some not so good. They remind me of friends and family no longer with us; and happy times together.

It has also reminded me of how far we have come in talking about mental health over those forty years; and the many supports now in place that once we could not even have dreamed of. But, it also makes me reflect on the recently released report about the unmet need for psychosocial supports across Australia. This report highlights that just under 500,000 people with complex mental health issues do not have access to the supports they need. That is a very sobering number, and calls on all of us to think about what we are going to do about it.

Mental Health Month is a great opportunity to reflect on how far we have come; and what we still need to do. It also focuses us on how important it is to continue to challenge mental health related stigma and discrimination wherever we find it. People who access Flourish Australia’s services tell us how challenging stigma and discrimination is for them, and how it can prevent people from seeking help and being fully part of their local communities.

The World Health Organisation’s recent report on this topic is a timely story this month, calling on us to address stigma and discrimination – the fundamental reason behind the National Mental Health Stigma and Discrimination Strategy.

This month, I encourage you to check out the many activities we have planned to mark Mental Health Month this year as part of our commitment to celebrating the many contributions of people with lived experience to our communities. We also highlight two great stories of recovery – Brian and Scott share important messages about what can be possible with the right support and opportunity, and a sense of belonging.

And that is consistent with the WayAhead theme for Mental Health Month this year, “Let’s talk about it”, which emphasises the important of relationships and community connections for well-being.

So, let’s talk about mental health and by doing so create welcoming, supportive communities for everyone.


Mark Orr AM

Chief Executive