This month we held our Annual General meeting (AGM). An AGM is the meeting each year where our Board reports to the organisation’s legal Members about the activities of the previous financial year, including service delivery and financial outcomes. It’s part of our accountability.
The Annual Report helps us celebrate many achievements, and to be inspired by the stories of recovery. We thank Gail, Rohan, Ebony, Gabriel, Brad and Taylor for sharing their stories with us.
This year the Annual Report had the theme “Kindness”. As we state in the Annual Report: “Kindness and flourishing go hand-in-hand. A culture of kindness is the foundation of everything Flourish Australia has achieved this year. Kindness is defined as showing care, consideration and compassion, motivated by a genuine desire to make a positive difference. We know that experiencing kindness connects deeply with our sense of wellbeing and for our recovery journey, kindness can be transformative. We see it everyday!” A link to the Annual Report is in this newsletter.
We were delighted this year that Laurie Leigh, CEO of National Disability Services agreed to be our key note speaker. Laurie shared her insights about the Disability Royal Commission and NDIS Review Panel’s work, and where the sector may be heading. We have been a member of NDS for 55 years and appreciate their advocacy for quality, safe and sustainable services for people with disability.
Another important event was to celebrate Mental Health Month. We were delighted that one of our Flourish Foundation Australia Members, Associate Professor Simon Rosenbaum, agreed to be the speaker for our annual Let’s Do Lunch series. Calling in from Colombia, South America, Simon spoke on his specialist topic of physical activity and the health of people with lived experience. This month we have provided a story about the presentation, and an easy link to it. Please have a look. I am sure you will enjoy Simon’s inspiring talk, and perhaps even take some ideas away with you. I know I have. We are so grateful for Simon’s work and support.
Mark Orr
Chief Executive