The Easter holiday can be a wonderful opportunity to spend time with family, friends and loved ones, as well as a chance to enjoy a break from work—not to mention some delicious chocolate treats!
However, it’s important to remember that not everyone is equally able to make the most of Easter festivities. In particular, older members of the community may not be able to participate or be as involved as they once were.
Whether it’s because of health concerns, limited mobility or difficulty travelling, many older people may be at risk of missing out on the joy that Easter brings.
To help ensure that everyone—including elderly people—has a fantastic holiday and no one feels isolated, lonely or left out over the break, we’ve put together some tips for an enjoyable and inclusive Easter.
Tips for a safe and enjoyable Easter with the elderly
Always be sure to run ideas by the individuals in your care too. They may have ideas or preferences of their own to incorporate.
Options for when the elderly people you care for are able to comfortably go out and about.
Local events and church services
Many communities hold Easter events like markets, high teas, family fairs and shows. And of course, as an important religious holiday, Easter is also a time of worship for many churchgoers. Check with local council, community groups or churches to find out what’s on and have some Easter fun.
Plan an excursion
Easter is a great time to visit a new part of your city or region—or an old favourite. Whether it’s a local park, a stroll along the nearest river or waterfront or just a classic Sunday drive, there’s always fun to be had getting out and about. Remember to check the weather before you go and pack suitable clothing and other necessary items as required.
Visit a local attraction
Many local attractions like zoos, art galleries and museums are open for all or part of the Easter weekend. Remember to check opening hours online or call before you go.
If the elderly person you are supporting isn’t mobile or doesn’t feel able to go out, there are still plenty of fun things to do.
Make some beautiful Easter art
Painting or dyeing Easter eggs is a tradition that many elderly people may remember from their childhood. However, there are many other creative ways to celebrate Easter: assembling festive Easter baskets, creating family photo albums, or designing and making Easter cards for friends and relatives are all great options.
Enjoy some Easter treats
Depending on how comfortable they are getting around the kitchen, elderly people you are caring for may enjoy helping to cook traditional Easter goodies such as hot-cross buns, tsoureki (Greek Easter bread) or cupcakes. If cooking isn’t an option, there’s a good chance they’ll appreciate sharing some delicious food with you!
Share some memories
An enjoyable Easter activity can be as simple as sharing memories. Ask the elderly person you are caring for how they celebrated Easter as a child, or invite them to tell you about their favourite Easter memory, or what Easter traditions mean to them.
At times, distance, illness or other circumstances mean that being with an elderly person during Easter is not possible. Here are ways you can continue to ensure they feel connected and included.
Make time to connect
Setting up a phone call, or even better, a video call, to convey love and best wishes during the Easter season is a simple act that can have a profound impact. This gesture of kindness can mean everything to a family member, a neighbour, or someone under your care, letting them know they are in your thoughts.
Helping people and carers to flourish
Flourish Australia helps people with lived experience to feel supported and meet their everyday challenges. To find out more, visit https://www.flourishaustralia.org.au/.
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